The history of video games dates back to the 1950s when, after the end of World War II, the victorious powers of the war built the first programmable supercomputers. The first attempts to implement programs of a ludic nature (initially chess programs) did not take long to appear, and they were repeated over the following decades. The first modern video games appeared in the 1960s, and since then the world of video games has not stopped growing and developing with the only limit being the creativity of developers and technological evolution. In recent years, we have witnessed an era of technological progress dominated by an industry that promotes a fast consumption model where new blockbusters become obsolete in a few months, but where at the same time a group of people and institutions -aware of the role that the pioneering programs, the companies that defined the market and the great visionaries had in the development of said industry - have initiated the formal study of the history of video games.